Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 1 = Success!

Yesterday was awesome as far as getting things going. The day was a bit messed up because Link was home sick, and had an appt elsewhere so I drove him to that, and then I made a trip out to JoAnn's later on to pick up a couple things (which will eventually get their own post, I PROMISE!).

We completed EVERYTHING, and he didn't even want to stop to eat lunch (because of the adjustments made to our day, lunch was early in the lineup). He wanted to keep going instead of eat!

Today we didn't do anything, although I had loaded the boxes because I was waaaay under the weather at the start of the day. And Link was home again, in hopes that the day would be his last one and he's finally warded off whatever it is that has been bugging him the last week or so (we're thinking bronchitis or a bad chest cold or something)

Happy happy happy!

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