Monday, March 8, 2010

Tick Tock

Time is moving right along while we get ready for this move.  And with this move comes settling in in a new place and then starting to more diligently do SCHOOL!

I've started creating a basic plan on what we'll do when, especially since I am slowly adding more subjects as we go along.  By the winter "term" we should be done adding things finally.

So for Thing 1's kindergarten prep and year I have chosen the following:
~Math-U-See, Primer and Alpha
~Lesson Pathways lessons plans for Science introduction and Social Studies introduction
~Astronomy study later on, this is what he WANTS to study, so we'll do a LARGE unit on it
~US Geography/states study
~Edcon Literature worktexts level 1
~Wordly Wise 3000 Second Edition, Level K
~Hooked on French (this is on the computer, and looks like lots of fun for a basic intro to foreign languages)
~Sign Language cards for learning a few signs (probably just once a week to begin with this year)
~Many many types of manipulatives, including pentominos, tangrams, pattern blocks, linking cubes, cuisineaire rods, opaque counters, colored wooden cubes, a geoboard
~Handwriting practice, using the ream of handwriting paper I got, not workbooks
~Writing letters and such to family
~Drawing both on paper and on the computer
~Introductory typing (he uses the computer, and I want to try and steer him away from bad habits as much as possible)
~Playing with his brother and the dog and me and Link and a group of local homeschool kids

If at any point he seems overwhelmed (keep in mind that many of these are only once a week!) I can always back off some on most of this.  The joy of being able to work at HIS pace, not someone else's.

1 comment:

Christina S. said...

I'm glad you are finding the that the History and Science Pathways are a good fit for your homeschool!

If you have any questions or suggestions for our site, please feel free to drop me a line a

Don't forget to drop by our user forums or blog for good conversation and tips for using LessonPathways.

-Christina S. Team Member