Remember a whiiiiile ago I committed to wanting to do at least a small amount of exercise every single day?
Yeah, that didn't work out so well timing-wise. Our A/C was broken, and so any thought of doing something other than sitting around sweating went RIGHT out the window.
Then all of July I was a lazy bum. I'm quite good at that. Thing 2 has started walking a LOT and so I've been go after him a LOT. We purchased an elliptical, so I've been getting on that for a few minutes at a time at least once a day.
A couple weeks ago, we picked up Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I did it once, to Link saying "You can do it honey!" and then couldn't move for a week. Yeah, that did not go so well LOL
Saturday of this past week though (July 31) I put it in and tried again. Even though it had been about 2 weeks since my previous attempt, I found it to be easier. Link did it with me, as well, and wanted to die by the end of it. (He didn't appreciate the reminders of his behavior when *I* did it the first time, lemme tell ya!) So Sunday I did it by myself. I do well until the third cycle strength and abs when I just want to fall apart. It's because of my KNEES though. I guess it might be my weight and lack of fitness combined, but jumping jacks KILL MY KNEES!
Thing 1 tried to help on Sunday. He crawled onto my chest while I was trying to do crunches. Over 20 pounds of baby does not a pleasant crunching experience make.
Buuuuuuuut I'm going to be doing my third consecutive day today!
Go ME!
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