After receiving a box of animals, I had no way of knowing at that time, that Thing 1 was going to develop a love for the Schleich collection that is very strong.
You have likely seen them, if you frequent places like Target, in the toy section. Small animal figurines with a tag around their foot with a red S in a circle. These are the Schleich figurines.
The Schleich company was founded in 1935, and so currently celebrating their 75th anniversary. You can find activities so you can participate in the celebration on their website. While you are there, you can also look at the wide variety of figurines they offer, including animals from all of the continents, some plants, some historical figurines (like knights) and also some fantasy figurines, like elves. And when you go to get more information on a particular figurine, you also get additional little tidbits of information
We received a total of 8 figurines for the purpose of our review: an Asian elephant calf, Przewalski’s horse, gnu and gnu calf, okapi, donkey, Swabian-Hall piglet, and Dartmoor pony. Thing 1 has custody of all but the okapi, dartmoor pony and swabian-hall piglet. I have the pony and piglet, and Thing 2 has run off with the okapi. The amount of detail on these is AMAZING. The Dartmoor pony even has horseshoes painted on!
You may notice that there are different colors on the tags (opposite the side of the S). In all cases that I have come across (I totally went and looked for local retailers), these are used for determining prices
Like I said before, the younglings have run off with all but the Dartmoor pony and the Swabian-Hall piglet, who have a home now on my desk. ♥ (minus their tags... I took all of the pictures before removing the tags because I knew once the tags were off and the animals discovered by the younglings, I would be lucky if I ever saw them again)
I love these figurines. I love the attention to detail, the quality in craftmanship. And while the tags all said 3+, I feel personally that the quality is enough that Thing 2 can run around with the okapi and play with it. Thing 2 has made the displays at our local retailers a required stop so he can look at the animals (he's a bit upset that we don't have an adult elephant, for example)
Curious about how other Crew members feel about this product? Check that out here!
Disclaimer: I received this product free from the vendor for the purpose of this review in exchange for my honest opinion and experience on it. I received no other compensation for this review.
I loved these, too. I have walked past the display at Target so many times and had no idea what wonderful treasures were inside! They are beautiful and durable, too.
These are beautiful, I agree!
My youngest daughter loves these figurines. She will play with them for hours.
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