Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday

You may have noticed I've been participating in a lot of memes.  And it could be annoying to you.  Too bad ;) 

I have been wanting to share this picture, and just came across the meme Sweet Shot Tuesday over at Life With My 3 Boybarians and decided it was as good a time as any.

This picture was a once in a lifetime moment of all three younglings in the house "relaxing".  About 2 seconds later everything had gone insane again and the moment was lost forever.  Except for this picture.  :)

Take a look at other sweet shots (taken much nicer than mine lol) over Life With My 3 Boybarians

Sweet Shot Day


Anonymous said...

LOL they just look plum wore out in that photo. Looks can be deceiving huh? They were probably quietly planning their next tour of destruction.

Heather said...

I just love that warm spot the sun creates when it shines through the window:) I am glad they all got to take advantage of it! Simple pleasures...

Thanks for sharing!

The Hill Hangout said...

Priceless shot! Thanks for sharing.

Glennda said...

I love this shot! It reminds me of the Golden Retriever we had growing up, wish I could find a dog like that for my kids!

Unknown said...

Don't you love those fleeting moments when everyone is happy and calm? : )

I find that my readers don't mind if I do lots of memes because I stay interesting : ) At least I don't think they mind!

Here is to hoping you have many more moments of relative peace this summer : )

Christi said...

Great Shot! I just love those rare quiet moments. You'll always be able to look back at that picture and reassure yourself that they are quiet sometimes. LOL